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New albums from Martín Buscaglia, Cümbüş Cemaat and Groupe RTD. Graphic Front recommendation

De Grit Friedrich| 10 Mai, 2020 | Categorie: muzică | Vizualizări: 1184

There are countless albums that appear every day around the world. We put the light on the new publications about world music. I was looking to Uruguay, Istanbul and a previously undiscovered country: Djibouti.

The Uruguayan singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Martín Buscaglia returns with the album “Basta de música”. There is folk, electronica and always some hints of traditional music from south america. Sympathetically Martín Buscaglia takes a very long time for an album that then reverberates for a long time. And he worked this time without many guest musicians, but one should be mentioned: Milan Cardozo, an 80-year-old harp player from Paraguay who lives in the middle of the jungle. This album oscillates between the big city and the wilderness: There is a title accompanied only by guitar, there are uptempo songs, and a beautiful bass-heavy piece that sounds new every time with its many layers of sound. The album "Basta de música" has something theatrical and cameleon-like, it proves that the end of the music evoked in the title of the album is far from coming. Eleven songs, each with a very different shape, they mix colors, sounds and dazzling rhythmic structures, all of which make listening exciting and open your ears.

Album Basta De Música
Artist Martin Buscaglia
Label Lovemonk

Adımız Miskindir Bizim, this hymn to free spirit became famous with the album "Türküz Türkü Çağırırız" recorded by Mazhar and Fuat in the early 1970s. Here Cem Köklükaya sings this psychedelic sounding song. His band Cümbüş Cemaat has been playing in Istanbul clubs, weddings, parties and festivals for about 13 years, I met them in Bucharest at Balkanik Festival 2015. With handmade music that relates to Turkey's multicultural heritage. There are many time strata on the long player debut "Istanbul": the text of the first song was written by the poet and mystic Yunus Emre, but there are folk songs about love from Anatolia too. The sound of Cümbüş Cemaat has changed in cooperation with the Frankfurt born musician Stefan Hantel, aka Shantel. As a producer, he is extremely sensitive this time, you can feel that Shantel deeply knows the vibrations of Istanbul. Anatolian scales meet disco, modal melodies mix with arabesque music and rembetiko. This creates electro-saz music with strong roots in Anatolian rock. "Istanbul" became a timeless sounding album that preserves the power of Turkish music and does not iron out its rough tone.

Istanbul album
Artist Shantel & Cümbüş Cemaat
Label Essay Recordings

If you drive from Kenya across Ethiopia you will end up in Djibouti on the Gulf of Aden. The small country has been strictly centralized since its independence in 1977 and each band is also a state-owned company. No one has worked with Djibouti musicians before. The Ostinato label, actually a specialist for archive recordings from Africa, has now achieved the impossible. And Groupe RTD is no longer one of East Africa's best-kept musical secrets. Groupe RTD's album “Dancing Devils of Djibouti” is an exciting journey into an unknown music world. The band leader is Mohamed Abdi Alto, a saxophone virtuoso who is almost unknown internationally. His musicians play a groovy distillate from Djibouti's cosmopolitan culture, which is also reminiscent of Ethiopian jazz. On the shares of the Gulf of Aden, vocal styles from Indian Bollywood films meet Jamaican dub or reggae, and slow Harlem jazz and if you do not leave the couch after the first notes, than nobody can help you anymore.

Dancing Devils of Djibouti album
Groupe RTD
Label Ostinato

grit friedrich Martín Buscaglia cumbuş cemaat Groupe RTD muzica

Despre autor

Grit Friedrich
GRIT FRIEDRICH este jurnalist freelancer din Leipzig, specializată pe muzica și cultura din Europa de Est și Sudest. Lucrează pentru mai multe radiouri printre care MDR KULTUR, WDR și Deutschlandfunk Kultur, ca și pentru casele de discuri Asphalt Tango și Oriente Musik. Are legături strânse cu România – cu muzicile tradiționale, nu în ultimul rând cele lăutărești, dar și cu scena multicul-turală contemporană.