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Lucian Freud: The Self-portraits 27 October 2019–26 January 2020. The Jillian and Arthur M.Sackler Wing of Galleries

De Difuzor GF| 01 Noiembrie, 2019 | Categorie: pictură | Vizualizări: 1591

Lucian Freud: The Self-portraits will be the first exhibition to focus on the celebrated artist’s visceral and unflinchingself-portraits. Executed over almost seven decades on canvas and paper, the exhibition will bring together around 50 works that chart Freud’s (1922-2011) artistic development: from his early, more linear and graphic works to the fleshier painterly style that became the hallmark of hislaterwork. The majority ofthe works are from private collections and a number have not been seen publicly for several decades. The exhibition will be organised following a loose chronologyin six sections,revealing Freud’s unexpected and wide-ranging exploration of the self-portrait. Freud was once asked if he was a good model for himself, to which he replied “No, I don’t accept the information that I get when I look at myself and that’s where the trouble starts”. This ‘trouble’ led to a continuous confrontation with his self-image that went in tandem with his interrogation of paint. This will be highlighted within the first section that places his first major self-portrait, Man with a Feather, 1943 (Private Collection) along side his late work Self-portrait, Reflection, 2002 (Private Collection). While the first reveals the tight brush work that would definehis early period, the latter exemplifies the use of impasto and the technical virtuosity of his mature work.

More here and here

Information from Royal Academy Press Release

Despre autor

Difuzor GF
Material furnizat de prietenii sau partenerii noștri (Radio România Cultural, Fundația Cărturești, One World Romania, Zeppelin, Igloo media, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Național al Dansului, Graphicart-News, Asociația Ephemair, Poster Jam, Editura Cartea Copiilor, Editura Frontiera) sau provenind din arhiva Graphic Front, biblioteca Atelierului de grafică, sau alte surse. (menționate de fiecare dată la sfârșitul articolului)
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