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Karl-Georg Hirsch – One of the most important contemporary german artist, graphic designer and illustrator @ #Graphic Front Library

De Graphic Front| 27 Aprilie, 2020 | Categorie: graphic design ilustrație | Vizualizări: 1905

The graphic work book. Part I
A bibliography by Herbert Kästner in collaboration of Hiltrud Lübbert

This edition is dedicated to the works created by the Leipzig artist Karl-Georg Hirsch, whose extensive output comprises some of the most important achievements in contemporary book illustration. This comprehensive catalogue of his work was created with the help of numerous collectors. The written contributions of various friends of the artist are included by way of an introduction. The texts by Kerstin Hensel, Peter Lober, Edwin Kratschmer, Matthias Biskupek, Ralph Grüneberger, Günter Coufal, Thomas Böhme, Peter Gosse, Walter Jens, Jurij Koch and Hubert Schirneck were mostly written specifically for this volume. Print run: 560. Format: 30.5 x 21.5 cm, 124 pages with 70 illustrations. Litho, typesetting and printing: Messedruck Leipzig; Binding: Leipziger Kunst & Verlagsbuchbinderei GmbH.
The design and layout is the work of Gert Wunderlich.

► Edition A copies 1-30, a box with 25 original graphics in passepartouts, two of which are hand-coloured, and with each signed and numbered (the selection includes works and books published between 1965 and 1995), half parchment, €1200 (out of print)
► Edition B copies 31-80, half parchment in a slipcase with additional wood engraving
► Edition C 61€


The graphic work book Part II. 1996 to 2007
A bibliography by Herbert Kästner and Hiltrud Lübbert

This edition is a continuation of the first volume in the catalogue of book illustration by the Leipzig artist Karl-Georg Hirsch, first published by burgart-presse in 1996. It includes all books illustrations and cover and binding designs created by Karl-Georg Hirsch subsequent to that date, as well as a record of the books for which Karl-Georg Hirsch contributed illustrations. The bibliography is preceded by a text specially written for this volume by Manfred Jendryschik, to which Karl-Georg Hirsch in turn responded with the accompanying drawings. The selected bibliography, containing a list of publications featuring the artist’s work, has also been updated. The index of authors and titles are common, allowing for both volumes of the bibliography to be accessed simultaneously. This volume will be published in the second quarter of 2008 to mark Karl-Georg Hirsch’s 70th birthday.

Print run: 330 copies.
Format: 30.5 x 21.5 cm, approx. 120 pages with approx. 100 illustrations.
The overall design is the work of Gert Wunderlich.
All copies are signed by the artist.

► Edition A: Copies 1-30, box with 25 original wood engravings in passepartouts, each signed and numbered (the selection includes works published between 1963 and 2004, with one engraving being hand-coloured by the artist), half-parchment, €1,200 (limited number of copies available)
► Edition B: Copies 31-60, half-parchment with additional acrylic engraving, slipcase created especially for this edition, €120 (out of stock)
► Edition C: 270 unnumbered copies, cardboard, €60 A slipcase designed by Karl-Georg Hirsch is also available for both volumes of the bibliography for €40 (out of print) Volumes 1 and 2 of the bibliography can also be purchased in this slipcase – 30 copies for €130 (out of print)


foto Ciprian N. Isac

graphic front library book design

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Graphic Front
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