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Erik Spiekermann, more than 30-year career in a book @ #Graphic Front Library

De Difuzor GF| 06 Aprilie, 2020 | Categorie: graphic design | Vizualizări: 1682

Erik Spiekermann is one of the best-known graphic designers in the world. He not only represents German typeface and corporate design like no other, but his work and the companies he has founded have had an unparalleled influence on contemporary graphic design around the globe. The visual biography Hello, I am Erik is the first comprehensive exploration of Spiekermann’s more than 30-year career, his body of work, and his mindset. Contributions by Michael Bierut, Neville Brody, Mirko Borsche, Wally Olins, Stefan Sagmeister, Christian Schwartz, Erik van Blokland, and others round out this insightful publication.

Erik Spiekermann is one of the best-known typographers and graphic designers in the world. As a teacher and critic who is loved and feared in equal measure, his influence on contemporary graphic design is unparalleled. Spiekermann also represents German typeface and corporate design like no other. 

Hello, I am Erik is the first-ever visual biography of Erik Spiekermann’s work. The book documents his projects, traces milestones in his life, and offers his personal perspectives on design. Essays by notable designers and authors provide a framework and further context for this vivid presentation of his body of work.


Editors: Johannes Erler
Release date: August 2014
Format: 22 × 28 cm
Features: Full color, hardcover, 
320 pages
ISBN: 978-3-89955-519-6
printing house: gestalten

Johannes Erler is one of Germany’s top designers. Previously with Factor Design and today with ErlerSkibbeTönsmann, he has shaped the corporate identities of some of the country’s leading brands. As art director of the magazine Stern, he was responsible for the 2011 redesign of one of Germany’s most widely red weeklies.

Shipping info here @ gestalten website


foto graphic front

gestalten graphic front library erik spiekermann

Despre autor

Difuzor GF
Material furnizat de prietenii sau partenerii noștri (Radio România Cultural, Fundația Cărturești, One World Romania, Zeppelin, Igloo media, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Național al Dansului, Graphicart-News, Asociația Ephemair, Poster Jam, Editura Cartea Copiilor, Editura Frontiera) sau provenind din arhiva Graphic Front, biblioteca Atelierului de grafică, sau alte surse. (menționate de fiecare dată la sfârșitul articolului)
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